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Pressroom - Research & development

Research & Development - The role of energy efficiency in the long term preservation of Europe’s economic and social competitiveness

Solver Unio Ltd plans to submit a proposal for the call topic “Socioeconomic research on energy efficiency” within the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme. Main objective of our proposal is the examination of socio-economic impact on the current mechanisms for energy efficiency and the quantification of the impacts by the development of new factor models.

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Dr. Andrea SOMOGYI (PhD) Coherencies of energy-,

Nowadays it is an important aspect to create the security of energy supply. Beside food safety, it is significant to reduce the dependency from energy import as well.
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Legfrissebb Hírek

What is a climatic chamber?

UVC testing standard

ISO 9227: How to conduct a salt spray test?

Outdoor exposure in Q-SUN and QUV

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