The basic task of electric power systems is to meet customers' effective performance. The electric power systems have two important specific features: on one hand they have no direct electrical energy storage device and on the other hand they are AC systems.
Since both the producer side and the consumer side performance is constantly changing, therefore the imbalance develops dynamically. The rate of change of consumer power demand in the electricity systems is different in different periods, there are times when the system load level varies strongly, and are relatively stable load periods. The most serious problem is that at night there is no sufficient demand as much offers the continuous operation of the power plants. Another problem is to meet the daily peak demand and maintain the adequate safety margins. In order to coordinate and to regulate the needs of producers and consumers, primary and secondary regulations and rules exist. There are even load distribution gas power plants, which cost more, but they are able to surrender power more controllable. The ultimate method of regulation is the import, which increases our energy dependency.
Today, the electric power has become a stock market product, where the value of the energy depends on the supply/demand market price.
Therefore the main rule of the energy exchange: if the consumer can determine his exact power requirements and quantities as much longer term he can, he will be able to obtain it cheaper.
The electricity becomes available for the large corporate consumers on the open market. Due to the activity of the large companies, shooting outliers of electric power can be experienced, and therefore have to commit a very high volume of power in order to avoid the penalties after the possible oscillation.
The network operators and consumers stability is the number one goal, therefore the producer-consumer price deal solely determined by stability. Any change in the balance of satisfying the demand will destroy stability. This means that all levels of the power system the electricity demand regulator is a key issue.
In order to maintain power stability, large companies have powerful battery energy parks, high-power stationary batteries. High-performance batteries in themselves qualify environmentally polluter. Even more polluter if the change of batteries is not because malfunctioning of batteries themselves, but to avoid a possible diminution of capacity. Therefore large companies, owners of battery energy parks change batteries every 2-3 years.
The aim of our project is to design and develop a grid-based micro management system with charge controllers for the owners of high performance batteries. This micro management systems and the developed control system will be capable of prolonging the capacitance of the high performance batteries measuring the energy taps of the battery capacities. Thanks to the above mentioned regeneration method the increased longevity enable the involvement of batteries in predictable and loss reducing way into the corporate power supply, and thus resulting in significant cost reduction in the operating costs.
The project includes a number of technical and technological innovations, some of them are arrives to technical readiness level 3-4 (TRL3-4), which are results of our previous researches. Therefore our objective is to integrate our existing models into new knowledge in order to develop a prototype in this project.